Climate change is caused by a buildup of carbon pollution in the atmosphere. While climate change can be natural, the catastrophic level of change we’re facing today is caused by man-made greenhouse gas emissions. This buildup of carbon traps heat and raises global temperatures, leading to sea level rise, ocean acidification, melting ice sheets, extreme weather events such as flooding and drought, and a number of other issues. 

To solve the climate crisis, immediate action is needed at every level of society. Individuals, corporations, and governments need to come together to fight climate change. The good news is that every single person can make a difference. Here are some simple actions you can take today to help solve the climate crisis. 

1. The most straightforward solution is to reduce the amount of carbon entering the atmosphere through transportation. This means taking public transit, walking, biking, and using an electric vehicle whenever possible. Take a look at your daily commute and consider if it might be possible to work from home a couple days a week. Limiting air travel is also significant. The aviation industry accounts for 11% of all transportation-related emissions in the United States (The New York Times). If travel can’t be avoided, you can purchase carbon offsets, which work by removing carbon dioxide from the air through tree planting, seagrass restoration, wind farms, or other carbon reduction programs.  

2. Eating less meat is another way to fight climate change. The meat industry generates one fifth of man-made greenhouse gas emissions (U.N. Food & Agriculture Organization). Raising livestock, especially cattle, also uses a lot of water, amounting to about 1,800 gallons of water per pound of beef (Water Footprint Calculator). Going meatless just one day per week can make a difference.

3. It helps to buy locally-sourced produce, so that less emissions are released during food transport. Regenerative agriculture is emerging as a more sustainable farming method that maintains soil health, reduces erosion and runoff, and improves water quality. Regenerative agriculture helps in the fight against climate change by sequestering carbon into the ground and preventing it from being rereleased into the atmosphere, which is common with more destructive farming practices such as plowing and tillage (The Climate Reality Project). 

4. Since plants absorb carbon dioxide, home gardening helps to prevent climate change. Native plants in particular help trap and store carbon, reduce erosion, and prevent watershed pollution through water filtration. You can also consider planting an edible landscape, which provides a valuable source of backyard produce and requires less water than commercial agriculture. 

5. One of the most powerful tools to fight climate change is our dollar. It is important to support companies that prioritize clean, renewable energy. By doing a bit of research, you can purchase products from companies that utilize sustainable manufacturing practices and recycled materials. By helping these companies succeed financially, we can ensure other companies follow suit and shift towards more climate-friendly practices.

6. To create change at the government level, it is important to vote, petition, and contact your local representatives. Elected officials represent their constituents. It is our responsibility to let politicians know that we care about the planet and demand laws and policies that hold industries accountable for reversing the impacts of climate change. 

If every person implemented just a few of these practices, we could see major progress towards a cleaner and more sustainable future. The most important thing is not to give up, and to remember that individual actions really do make a difference.

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